The newly established family doctor practice in the city center offers you the full range of family doctor care. An experienced team of internists and medical assistants is at your side.
We attach great importance to evidence-based medicine at the highest level and a holistic view of our patients.
We can accept new patients from April 2025. Please contact us by email or use the online appointment service.
We have been authorised as a yellow fever vaccination centre by the Ministry of Health. We can now also carry out this vaccination. This is an IGEL service and is often not covered by health insurance companies. Please contact us as early as possible before travelling.
We will also be happy to advise you on other travel vaccinations. Please also register for a consultation in this regard as early as possible before the start of your trip.
New STIKO vaccination recommendations for booster COVID vaccinations ONLY apply to people aged 60 and over and, in exceptional cases, to people with a special vulnerable immune system situation. We would be pleased to advise you on this.
As usual, you can be vaccinated against seasonal influenza without an appointment in the practice from 01.10.2024.
Make an appointment now:
Practice hours from January 2025
Please note that from JANUARY 2025 our practice hours will also change on Fridays. On Fridays we are there for you until 14:00. On Fridays until 16:00 you can reach us in emergencies via the mobile telephone number announced in our voicemail.
The original artworks on the walls of the practice are by Sascha Boldt from Berlin:
Leitende MFA
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
MFA? Azubi?
WeiterbildungsassistenIN Allgemeinmedizin?
Wir freuen uns über Initiativbewerbungen per Mail
zu Hause oder im Pflegeheim
Beratung- Ordungstherapie- Phytotherapie- Ernährung- Eigenbluttherapie
Schilddrüse, Bauchorgane, Beinvenen als IGEL-Leistung Halsschlagadern und Herzultraschall
Hautkrebsscreening und Check up Kasse-Check up erweitert
Wundversorgung, OP-Nachsorge, Abszeßspaltung etc.
Manuelle Therapie
Proktoskopische Untersuchungen
Langzeit-EKG, Langzeit-Blutdruckmessung und Lungenfunktionstestung
You will find our practice on the corner of Eisenbahnstraße and Karl-Marx Straße with entrance from Eisenbahnstraße in the building of the former clothing store Söllner.
Karl-Marx Str. 22
67655 Kaiserslautern
Tel: 0631 - 414 74 109
Fax: 0631 - 415 55 505
Monday and Thursday | 7:30 a.m. - 18:30 p.m. |
Tuesday | 7:30 a.m. - 16:00 p.m. By phone in emergency until 19:00 p.m. |
Wednesday | 7:30 a.m. - 13:30 p.m. |
Friday | 7:30 a.m. - 14:00 p.m. By phone in emergency until 16:00 p.m. |
Further appointments and home visits by arrangement